Tropolite Aroma Strawberry Essence Flavour 500 Grams
KSh 410.00
Tropolite Aroma Strawberry Essence Flavour 500 Grams
- Is used to add colour and flavour to your cakes and other baked goods.
- It is can be used in whipping cream, fondant, cookies, ice cream, milk shakes and yoghurt.
- Kindly shake well before using and mix thoroughly with the ingredients so that it can spread well.
To place an order via Phone or WhatsApp, just reach us via 0711592959 and we will be glad to serve you
Tropolite Aroma Strawberry Essence Flavour 500 Grams
Is used to add colour and flavour to your cakes and other baked goods. It is used as an ingredient to cakes and also can be used in whipping cream, fondant, cookies, ice cream, milk shakes and yoghurt.
Kindly shake well before using and mix thoroughly with the ingredients so that it can spread well.
Tropolite Aromas are available here in Nairobi Kenya and are sold by PhillSoft Systems, a baking supplies shop located at Bihi Towers, 4th floor Shop 4 Moi Avenue Nairobi. We offer delivery to you via a rider of as a parcel. You can also come to our shop for in-store pickup or you can buy it online via this website. To place an order via phone or WhatsApp, just reach us via 0711592959 and we will be glad to serve you.
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