Tropolite Cake Gel 500 Grams
KSh 390.00
Tropolite Cake Gel 500 Grams
Some of the advantages of using cake gel include;
- Shorten cake whipping time
- Improves the stability of cake batter and the uniformity of cake pores
- Increases cake volume and sponginess
- Creates good stability perfect during mixing
- Extends the shelf life of the cake.
To place an order via Phone or WhatsApp, just reach us via 0711592959 and we will be glad to serve you.

Tropolite Cake Gel 500 Grams
Works as an emulsifier and stabilizer mix and provides standardized quality in sponge cake, cake and roll production. With Tropolite Cake Ge, It is easier to make mouth-filling cakes and sponge cakes with high volume and smooth pore structure.
Simply incorporate the cake gel by adding it as part of your baking ingredients.
Tropolite Products are available here in Nairobi Kenya and are sold by PhillSoft Systems, a baking supplies shop located at Bihi Towers, 4th floor Shop 4 Moi Avenue Nairobi. We offer delivery to you via a rider of as a parcel. You can also come to our shop for in-store pickup or you can buy it online via this website. To place an order via phone or WhatsApp, just reach us via 0711592959 and we will be glad to serve you.
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