Oshwal Vanilla Dark 500 mls
KSh 500.00
Oshwal Vanilla Dark 500 mls
also known as Oshwal essence or Oshwal flavour is mainly used as an ingredient in many recipes. This flavour is meant to enhance the taste of the item being prepared and matches the taste with the name of the flavour.
- Oshwal flavours and essences are well manufactured, just add a few drops to the mixture as per recipe.
- Enables you to achieve the desired taste and results.
- Usually available in liquid in a clear form or a dark coloured form
- These flavors are generally food safe and come in an easy to store and resealable bottle for future use.
- Oshwal flavours and essences are available in various flavours depending on the recipe and they can be purchased online from PhillSoft.
- You can also come to our shop located at Bihi Towers 4th floor Shop 4.
- You can also call us and we shall be glad to deliver them to you, or send them to you as a parcel.
Oshwal Vanilla Dark 500 mls
also known as Oshwal essence or Oshwal flavour is mainly used as an ingredient in many recipes. This flavour is meant to enhance the taste of the item being prepared and matches the taste with the name of the flavour.
Oshwal flavours and essences are well manufactured and depending on the recipe, you just add a few drops to the mixture as per recipe in order to achieve the desired taste and results. These flavors are generally food safe and come in an easy to store and resealable bottle for future use.
Oshwal flavours and essences are available in various flavours depending on the recipe and they can be purchased here from PhillSoft. You can buy Oshwal Flavours and Products right here on the website. You can also come to our shop located at Bihi Towers 4th floor Shop 4. You can also call us and we shall be glad to deliver them to you, or send them to you as a parcel.
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